Showing 40 results for: Audio Recording

Nick & Nat Control The Airwaves 2024

Live recordings for Nick & Nat's live version of Control the...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Nathaniel Metcalfe, Nick Helm, Podcast

Nick & Nat Control The Airwaves

Evie King: Ashes To Admin 2023

I recorded and edited an audiobook version of Evie King's celebrated memoir, Ashes To Admin, detailing her work as a Section 26 Officer for her local council, as well as a conversation with her & Stewart Lee to accompany the audiobook...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Evie King

Evie King: Ashes To Admin

Worst Foot Forward 2021

I recorded this live podcast for Ben Van Der Velde & Barry McStay's Worst Foot Forward at the Backyard Comedy Club, Bethnal Green with guests Ria Lina, Bec Hill & Jay Foreman Barry edited it down for release on their website -...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Podcast, Show Tech, Worst Foot Forward

Worst Foot Forward

THAT Podcast 2021

Throughout the third lockdown, I recorded several interviews with episode hosts Remona Aly, Desiree Burch, Sophie Duker and Nish Kumar online I also edited them - and others - for That Podcast - an ambitious collaboration between Storyglass and...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Ben Walker, Chris McCausland, Desiree Burch, English Touring Theatre, Jennifer Bakst, Nish Kumar, Podcast, Richard Herring, Sarah Jane Murray, Sophie Duker, Storyglass, Terry Gilliam, THAT Podcast

THAT Podcast

What I Love 2020

What I Love is a podcast for Storyglass / Fremantle that I recorded during the 2020 lockdown on various empty London (and surrounding) stages Their official description lists it as follows; Created and hosted by Ian Rickson, one of British...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Ben Walker, Ben Whishaw, Chiwitel Ejiofor, Cush Jumbo, Ian Rickson, Jessie Buckley, Johnny Flynn, Kae Tempest, Podcast, Robert Delamere, Sarah Jane Murray, Sonia Friedman, Storyglass

What I Love

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend – Ricky Gervais Interview 2020

In February 2020 I headed to Ricky Gervais' North London office to record him in conversation with a visiting Conan O'Brien for Conan's interview podcast; 'Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend' Conan was in the UK delivering an Oxford Union address, and...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Comedy, Conan O'Brien, Ed Morrish, London, Podcast, Ricky Gervais

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend – Ricky Gervais Interview

Go Faster Stripe All-Dayer 2020 2020

With Indie Label GoFasterStripe, we recorded 4 standup shows at the Bill Murray pub, north London for release later in the year I recorded sound for all of them, and de-facto ended up operating a few light & sound cues too We...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Bethany Black, Comedy, Filming, Go Faster Stripe, London, Pat Cahill, Paul Currie, Simon Munnery, The Bill Murray

Go Faster Stripe All-Dayer 2020

Phil Nichol & Tony Law – Virtue Chamber Echo Bravo 2019 - 2020

Philip & Anthony are healers, and their special brand of healing was presented every day at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019, and then continued into London dates I was on hand to provide sound effects, and record the shows (for later podcast...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Comedy, Edinburgh, Phil Nichol, Podcast, Tony Law, Virtue Chamber Echo Bravo

Phil Nichol & Tony Law – Virtue Chamber Echo Bravo

Richard Herring – RHLSTP (Tour & Edinburgh) 2019

I worked as tour manager & sound recordist for Richard's touring version of his hit podcast We'd record 2 shows in each sitting (yes) and shows I worked on visited Brighton, York, Salford, Leeds, Exeter & many more, and featured...

Filed Under; Audio Recording, Comedy, Edinburgh, Go Faster Stripe, RHLSTP, Richard Herring

Richard Herring – RHLSTP (Tour & Edinburgh)